Thursday, January 19, 2017

How to Repair Damaged Hair

Dealing with damaged hair is a girl’s worst nightmare. For most women, caring for our hair is a priority, as it helps us feel pretty.  In the past I did every thing imaginable to damage my hair except coloring it. This caused my locks to be unmanageable, dried, and tons of split ends. Here are 10 changes I made to repair damaged hair and have healthy controllable hair.

Wash 3-4 times a week and only with a non-silicone shampoo – Most women already do this, but’s important to remember that washing hair often removes natural hair oils, which that leads to dry itchy scalp. Also, try to find avoid silicone shampoos.

Every few weeks use a cleansing shampoo – Hair follicles can get clogged with all the hair products we use. Every few weeks use a store-bought cleansing shampoo or apple cider vinegar that removes build-up.

Only shampoo the roots of your hair and condition the ends – The hair near the scalp are able to absorbs the oils that are naturally produce. Therefore there’s no need to add oils from conditioner. For the same reason the ends don’t get oily so there isn’t a need to fully wash them. As you rinse out the shampoo the lather will cleanse the ends. 

Let conditioner sit in your hair for a few minutes – This lets your hair cuticle absorb the oils before rinsing.

Rinse your hair with cold water – This closes the hair cuticles to lock in the moisture.

Don’t wrap hair in a towel, just pat dry – Wet hair is the most vulnerable to damage and pulling it with an ordinary towel causes breakage.

Don’t brush wet hair – For the same reasons above, don’t pull on wet hair. If you must detangle it, only use a wide tooth comb or detangling brush. I typically let it air dry.

Limit heat styling products – Using heating tools are okay to use once in a while, but make sure to use heat protector before hand.

Hair serum on days your hair feels dry – Adding a serum brings moisture back to dull hair. Serums are lighter than oils, so they won’t weigh down the hair.

Add oil on hair tips before washing – This is a good tip for those with long hair. An hour or so before taking a shower add coconut or argan oil to the ends of your hair. This helps with preventing slit ends.

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